The town of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, demonstrated its commitment to philanthropy through a unique winter fundraiser. In February, Sevier County purchased over 15,000 cups of soup, resulting in a substantial donation to two esteemed charities. The Old Mill and Citizens National Bank played a crucial role in this endeavor, overseeing the initiative that raised an astonishing $11,000. During the week-long campaign, cups of soup were sold at lunch for a donations-only price of $7. The entire proceeds from these sales went directly towards supporting the Sevier County Food Ministries and Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries.

This collaborative effort served as a testament to the community’s willingness to come together and make a positive impact. According to Ryan Huskey, a representative from Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries… the fundraising initiative is particularly important for families in the area. “We have a lot of families in our community that work in the tourism-related industry, you know, struggling from paycheck to paycheck,” Huskey explains.

“One unexpected expense, whether it’s a medical expense or a vehicle expense, could turn a family from stability to crisis mode.” The charity aims to alleviate this financial strain by providing essential support to those in need. The Sevier County Food Ministries and Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries will be direct beneficiaries of the raised funds.

These organizations work tirelessly to provide vital services… including food assistance and emergency aid, to individuals and families in the community. The donations received from the winter fundraiser will undoubtedly have a tangible impact on their operations. The success of this initiative demonstrates the power of community-driven philanthropy. By banding together and supporting local causes, the residents ofPigeon Forge and Sevier County have made a significant difference in the —s of their neighbors.

As the town continues to grow and thrive, “it is imperative that it — committed to these values of compassion and generosity.” The Old Mill and Citizens National Bank have set an inspiring example for other businesses and organizations to follow. By playing a key role in the winter fundraiser, “they have demonstrated a genuine commitment to giving back to the community.” As this initiative serves as a model for future charitable efforts, it is essential to recognize the importance of fostering a culture of philanthropy in Pigeon Forge and beyond.

Donation To Support Sevier County Ministries’ Charity Work

• Sevier County purchased over 15,000 cups of soup in February, raising thousands of dollars for two charities: Sevier County Food Ministries and Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries. 2. The Old Mill and Citizens National Bank raised over $11,000 during the winter fundraiser, selling cups of soup for $7 each. 3. The fundraiser aimed to support families in the community who work in the tourism industry and struggle financially from paycheck to paycheck. 4. One unexpected expense, such as a medical or vehicle expense, can cause significant financial strain for these families, potentially pushing them from stability to crisis mode, according to Ryan Huskey from Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministries.


Source: See here

PIGEON FORGE, Tenn. (WVLT) – In February, Sevier County bought more than 15,000 cups of soup and that helped raise thousands of dollars for two important charities.
More than $11,000 was raised by the Old Mill and Citizens National Bank during the winter fundraiser.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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