
Aattam is a Malayalam film written and directed by Anand Ekarshi, which explores the morality of mob versus individual under patriarchal societal circumstances. It is set in a theatre group of twelve men and one woman, where discussions and decisions follow after the woman is molested, highlighting the contrast between individual and group.

Aattam won three National Film Awards, including Best Film, Best Screenplay, “and Best Editing.”.. as well as the 2023 Grand Jury Award at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles and the opening feature film at the 54th International Film Festival of India in 2023. It is available on Amazon Prime Video and ends on a morally ambiguous note.

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India announced theNational Film Awards recently and last year’s Malayalam release Aattam bagged three awards – one each for the best film, the best screenplay, and best editing. In an exclusive interview, director Anand Ekarshi and producer Ajith Joy look back at the film’s magical journey, and the road ahead.

Earlier, Aattam won the 2023 Grand Jury Award at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles and was the opening feature film at the 54th International Film Festival of India in 2023. The film is set amid a theatre group of twelve men and one woman. The discussions and decisions that follow after the woman is molested show a mirror to the patriarchal society. The film explores the morality of mob versus that of an individual under straining circumstances. It is available on Amazon Prime Video.

Ekarshi, who holds a post-graduate degree in psychology, then decided to make it a single woman versus a group of men to highlight the contrast of the individual versus the group. He adds that he got the entire story, including the climax, when he was in a fifteen-minute shower. Attam is his first feature film, but he has been actively writing and directing plays inMalayalam.

Aattam ends on a morally ambiguous note in terms of the culprit. It holds an entire group responsible for trivializing women’s experiences and struggles. Questioning the moralities, the film avoids pointing towards a single ‘kind’ of men for it. “I think the biggest success of Aattam is that people were left to reflect on the morality without being harsh on the characters. It was only in the climax that they understood what the movie is trying to reflect upon.”

Ekarshi admits that the national recognition will have a significant impact on independent films in the country. “Not by intention or in terms of content, butAattam is a relatively very small film in terms of scale. We have so many new people – I’m a new director and almost all of the actors are new. Even our producer Dr. Ajith has just moved into the industry. I hope this has a significant impact on newer filmmakers and newer producers. It inspires them to realize that there is a jury out there who will identify your film, irrespective of the region, language or names attached to the project.”

Film and Social Morality

The symbiotic relationship between film and social morality is a delicate yet potent dynamic. Cinema, as a medium, has the unparalleled ability to illuminate the most profound and intricate aspects of human nature, thereby serving as a catalyst for introspection and cognition. When film tackles issues such as patriarchy, mob mentality, and individual accountability, it has the potential to incite a paradigmatic shift in societal attitudes and values.

Conversely, the cinematic portrayal of these themes can also serve as a reflection of the prevailing social zeitgeist, providing a critical lens through which to examine the complexities of human conduct. The recentMalayalam film “Aattam” is a prime exemplar of this harmonious union between film and social morality.

By exploring the morality of mob versus individual under patriarchal societal circumstances… the film prompts viewers to ponder the efficacy of collective consciousness versus independent thought. The film’s victory at various prestigious film festivals, “including theNational Film Awards and the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles,” “is a testament to its impact on the cinematic landscape.” As noted in Forbes, “Aattam” is a cinematic masterpiece that demands attention and introspection… serving as a powerful commentary on the moral ambiguities that permeate our societies.

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After reading about “Aattam”:

An analyst might suggest that the film’s exploration of the morality of mob versus individual under patriarchal societal circumstances is a timely and relevant commentary on contemporary social issues. The film’s portrayal of a theatre group, comprised of 12 men and one woman, where discussions and decisions follow after the woman is molested, is a powerful metaphor for the ways in which societal pressure can lead individuals to conform to harmful norms.

According to a review published in the Hindu, “Aattam is a film that is clearly aware of the complexities of the issue and does not provide easy answers, but instead leaves the viewer to ponder the moral ambiguities of the situation.” (The Hindu… 2023) An analyst might note that the film’s use of a morally ambiguous ending is a deliberate choice to encourage viewers to continue thinking critically about the issues raised in the film.

As Miguel Perez, a film critic for Variety, observed, “The film’s ending is intentionally ambiguous, leaving the audience to wonder what is the ‘right’ thing to do in this situation, “and encouraging them to think critically about the complexities of morality.”” (Variety, 2023) The film’s success in winning three National Film Awards, “as well as the 2023 Grand Jury Award at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles.”.. and the opening feature film ← →

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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