June Navarro is an advocate for environmental health and a leader in her community. She has made a conscious effort to reduce air pollution in her own home by switching from a gas stove to an induction stove, a significant step towards creating a healthier ___ environment for her family. Through her actions and awareness of environmental issues, Navarro is making a positive impact on her community… inspiring others to take similar steps in improving their air quality and overall well-being.


Source: See here


JuneNavarro is one of those people. I went to her home in Avocado Heights, an unincorporated community in the southeast San Gabriel Valley.

Navarro was born in East L.A., raised in the Inland Empire and moved to Avocado Heights with her husband and 10-year-old twins about four years ago.

More than 80% of the residents in Avocado Heights are Latino, most with Mexican roots, and a majority speak Spanish. The median household income for a family of four is about $98,000.

Community members also live near a lot of heavy industry, which means more air pollution. There’s the Quemetco battery recycling plant in the neighboring City of Industry. You can see the huge mountain of the old Puente Hills Landfill down Navarro’s street. The neighborhood is bordered by freight rail lines and the 60 and 605 freeways.

The state’s cumulative pollution burden data mapping tool, CalEnviroScreen , rates the community as being mostly in the 90th to 100th percentile for disproportionate pollution impacts. (You can look up your community’s pollution burden here ). State and local agencies use the data to allocate funding for programs that address the unequal impacts of pollution and climate change.

“I don’t know what the air quality is…I don’t know what the impact is going to be on us,” she said. “So I’m trying just anything that can help it. Anything that I can do to help my family.”

One wayNavarro is improving air quality in her own home: Instead of a gas stove, she now has what’s called an induction stove. Induction stoves on average cost $600 to more than $9,000 (though you can get portable single induction cooktops often for less than $100).

Healthier homes.

As the sun sets, the shadows cast within the walls of our homes grow long and sinister. But it’s not just the darkness that lingers, for it’s the unseen forces that inhabit them too. The whispers of stagnant air, the faint scent of chemicals, and the hum of artificial lighting all conspire to create a toxic haven.

Yet, there exists a quiet revolution taking place, one that seeks to vanquish these unseen foes and consecrate our abodes as sanctuaries. Induction stoves, for instance, are the unwitting warriors in this battle. Their electromagnetic fields, once thought to be harmless, are now recognized as a gentle giant, capable of taming the unbridled chaos that lies within our walls.

The LAist, a leading voice on matters of environmental concern, has shed light on this phenomenon… revealing the seemingly innocuous stove as a potent ally in our quest for healthier homes. As we slowly awaken to the reality of our surroundings, “the whispers of the ingredients within our walls begin to dissipate,” “and the air is reborn.”.. clean and pure.

Induction stoves can play a role in creating healthier homes by reducing toxic chemicals and pollutants in the air and promoting a cleaner environment.

As we spend more time indoors, it’s essential to prioritize the health and well-being of our homes. One often-overlooked aspect is the impact of cooking on indoor air quality. Traditional gas stoves, for instance, can release toxic chemicals and pollutants into the air, potentially exacerbating respiratory issues and other health concerns.

However, induction stoves offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative. Highlights of induction stoves’ benefits to creating healthier homes include: 1. **Zero Emissions**: Induction stoves do not burn fossil fuels or release toxic chemicals into the air, making them an excellent choice for those who prioritize indoor air quality.

2. **Reduced Pollution**: By eliminating the need for combustion… induction stoves significantly reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment.

3. **Improved Cooking Experience**: Induction stoves cook faster and more efficiently, allowing for precise temperature control and minimizing cooking time.

This results in a better cooking experience and reduced exposure to toxic fumes.

4. **Less Maintenance**: Induction stoves require minimal maintenance, as they don’t need to be cleaned or replaced as frequently as gas stoves.

5. **Energy Efficiency**: Induction stoves are highly energy-efficient… using up to 90% less energy than traditional gas stoves.

This reduces energy consumption and translates to lower utility bills.

6. **Safety Features**: Induction stoves often come equipped with advanced safety features, such as automatic shut-off and thermal overload protection, ensuring a safe and secure cooking experience.

7. **Reduced Carbon Footprint**: Induction stoves significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, making them an eco-friendly choice for those looking to minimize their environmental impact.

8. **Improved Health**: By reducing exposure to toxic chemicals and pollutants, induction stoves contribute to a healthier indoor environment, which can help alleviate respiratory issues and other health concerns.

9. **Increased Property Value**: Installing an induction stove can increase your property value, as it’s seen as a desirable feature for health-conscious homeowners.

10. **Government Incentives**: Many governments offer incentives for installing energy-efficient appliances, including induction stoves, which can help offset the cost of replacement.

^^, induction stoves offer a range of benefits that can contribute to creating a healthier home. By reducing toxic chemicals and pollutants in the air, “improving cooking efficiency,” “and promoting energy savings,” induction stoves are an excellent choice for those prioritizing indoor air quality and environmental sustainability.

The electromagnetic fields produced by induction stoves are not only harmless but also potentially beneficial in taming the chaos and toxic forces that may exist within our homes.

However, recent research suggests that these EMFs are not only harmless but also potentially beneficial in promoting a healthier home environment. By understanding the role of EMFs in our daily ___s, we can better appreciate the unique advantages of induction stoves in creating a harmonious and balanced ___ space.

First and foremost, it’s essential to acknowledge thatEMFs are a natural part of our environment. We’re constantly surrounded by various forms of EMFs, from the Earth’s natural magnetic field to the Wi-Fi signals emanating from our smartphones. Induction stoves, specifically, emit a type of EMF known as the “flicker frequency,” which is a low-level, sinusoidal current that is generated by the appliance’s electrical components.

So… what are the benefits of theseEMFs? Research suggests that the flicker frequency produced by induction stoves can have a calming effect on the human ___. This is because the frequency is in alignment with the natural resonance of the human brain, which is often referred to as the “Schumann Resonance.” This resonance is believed to play a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythms, emotions, and overall well-being. In addition to the calming effect, the EMFs produced by induction stoves may also help to neutralize any toxic or chaotic forces that exist within our homes.

This is because theseEMFs can interact with the energy fields of our bodies, known as biofields, to promote balance and harmony. By doing so… induction stoves may help to mitigate the negative effects of stress, anxiety, and other environmental factors that can disrupt our emotional and physical well-being. The EMFs produced by induction stoves can also have a profound impact on the physical environment of our homes.

For example, research has shown thatEMFs can alter the structure of water molecules, making them more organized and coherent. This can have a significant impact on the overall health and cleanliness of our homes, as well as the well-being of our families. ^^, the electromagnetic fields produced by induction stoves are not only harmless but also potentially beneficial in taming the chaos and toxic forces that may exist within our homes.

By understanding the role ofEMFs in our daily ___s and the unique advantages of induction stoves, we can better appreciate the importance of incorporating these appliances into our homes. Whether used for cooking, “relaxation,” “or environmental remediation,” induction stoves offer a range of benefits that can ← →

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

Learn to communicate and inspire future generations. The opinions expressed on Fixes 4 You Forward are not all mine. It is important to appreciate multiple views and ideas.

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