Researchers at The Ohio State University have compiled a comprehensive list of foods and beverages that are unwittingly contributing to the escalation of saturated fat and added sugar intake among Americans. The findings, published in the journal Nutrients, suggest that numerous seemingly innocuous items, such as chicken breast and ketchup, are also significant contributors to excessive consumption of these detrimental substances.

According to the researchers, saturated fats comprise approximately 12% of the average individual’s daily diet, with added sugar making up a substantial 14 to 16%. This excessive intake often originates from the consumption of cheese, soft drinks, and other processed foods. Chicken breast, a staple of a healthy diet, was found to contain a noticeable amount of saturated fat, albeit relatively small.

According to Professor Christopher Taylor… director of medical dietetics, this highlights the importance of understanding how discretionary foods with smaller amounts of saturated fat can gradually accumulate in one’s diet, often unbeknownst to the consumer. The study, which analyzed data from over 35,000 U. S. adults, aims to raise awareness of unexpected daily sources of sugar and fats and the significance of label reading before purchasing these products.

In addition to the expected culprits, such as cheese, pizza, ice cream, and eggs, the study also identified other unsuspecting contributors to saturated fat intake, including cold cuts… cream substitutes, fried potatoes, and whole milk. These findings illustrate the need for individuals to be cognizant of the nutritional content of their food choices, “even if they are perceived as relatively healthy.” The study’s author, “Professor Christopher Taylor,” emphasizes the importance of being aware of the subtle yet cumulative effects of various food choices on overall nutrition.

He notes that while meeting the recommended limits of 10% for saturated fat and added sugar intake is challenging, recognizing the key contributors and making informed decisions about food selection can significantly mitigate excessive consumption. The information for this article was obtained from “Study Finds”.


Source: Found here

Surprising foods contain fat

When it comes to our diets, we’re often bombarded with messages about cutting back on fat. But what if I told you that some of the foods you consider to be healthy are actually packing a surprising amount of fat? Yeah, I know – it sounds crazy. But hear me out. Researchers atOhio State University have been digging into the data, and it turns out that some of our favorite foods are hiding a little secret.

Take chicken breast, for example. It’s often touted as a lean protein option, but it’s actually got a decent amount of saturated fat sneaking in there. And let’s not forget about ketchup – it may seem like a harmless condiment, but it’s actually a significant contributor to our daily intake of added sugar and saturated fat. But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom.

The study’s authors are trying to raise awareness about these sneaky culprits… so we can make more informed choices about our food. By being more mindful of the nutritional content of our meals, we can avoid those hidden fat bombs and stick to our health goals. It’s all about being aware of the subtle yet cumulative effects of our food choices.

So, the next time you’re scanning the nutritional label or wandering through the grocery store, remember that information is key. AsProfessor Christopher Taylor says, “meeting the recommended limits of 10% for saturated fat and added sugar intake is challenging… but recognizing the key contributors and making informed decisions about food selection can significantly mitigate excessive consumption.” And there you have it, “folks – a little bit of fat,” “but a whole lot of knowledge.” Information for this article was obtained from “Study Finds”.


COLUMBUS, Ohio – Everyone knows ice cream and pizza are not the healthiest options, but condiments like ketchup are also sneakily raising people’s intake of saturated fat and added sugar. Researchers have compiled a new list of foods and drinks that many people may not know are contributing to unhealthy diets among Americans.

Nutrition guidelines recommend limiting fat and sugar to 10% of a person’s daily calories. Most adults exceed these limits — saturated fats were found to make up 12% of a person’s diet, and added sugar made up 14 to 16% of daily calories. This usually came from eating lots of cheese and consuming soft drinks. However, seemingly harmless items like chicken breast and ketchup are also on the list ⁘ especially if people consume them excessively.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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