Title: Kelly Walsh Girls’ Soccer Team Celebrates State Championship with Unveiling of New Banner The Kelly Walsh Trojans girls’ soccer team celebrated their Class 4A state championship win in grand style on Monday, with a special ceremony and walk through the high school. The team, led by coach Jerry Realing, was awarded a new banner to commemorate their title, which they won on Saturday with a thrilling 3-2 overtime victory over Jackson.

The ceremony began with a march by the KW marching band through the high school, followed by the team carrying their championship trophy and new banner. The event concluded with the unveiling of the updated banner, which now hangs proudly in the school’s gym. Despite the excitement and celebration, the Trojans know that their journey to the title was not easy.

According to senior Addysen Kobza, who scored the team’s first goal in the championship game… the team learned from their earlier losses and came back stronger and more determined than ever. “When we lost to Jackson in the regional championship game, it served as motivation for us,” Kobza said. “We knew it was going to be a battle when we found out we’d be playing them again, and it was all the way until the second overtime.” The game-winning goal came when Kobza’s free kick deflected off a Jackson player… while senior Bethany Strand scored the team’s other goal on a penalty kick early in overtime.

The Casper Star-Tribune provided details on the Trojans’ journey to the state championship, highlighting their impressive 14-4-2 regular season record and their comeback victory over Jackson. For the Kelly Walsh girls’ soccer team, “the state championship is a culmination of their hard work and dedication.” With their new banner proudly on display, “they are already looking forward to next season and the opportunity to defend their title.”


Source: See here

In The News:

Kelly Walsh girls’ soccer head coach Jerry Realing speaks with his team following the Walk of Champions and the unveiling of the Trojans’ state championship banner Monday in the KW Gym.

Members of the Kelly Walsh girls’ soccer team unveil the updated soccer banner after the Trojans won the Class 4A state championship Saturday in Rock Springs.

With the KW marching band leading the way, theTrojans carried their championship trophy through the high school before the event culminated with the unveiling of the program’s updated banner.

“It’s incredible,” said KW seniorAddysen Kobza, who scored KW’s first goal in the 3-2 overtime victory over Jackson on Saturday. “We learned from the games we lost and we came back stronger and won it, which is incredible.”

TheTrojans (14-4-2), who also beat Jackson in last year’s title game, avenged their 4-0 loss to the Broncs in last weekend’s West Regional championship game.

“That kind of served as motivation. When we found out we were going to be playing Jackson we knew it was going to be a battle, and it was all the way to the second overtime.”

The game-winning goal came off a free kick from Kobza into the box that deflected off a Jackson player. Senior Bethany Strand scored KW’s other goal on a penalty kick early in overtime.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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