
In recent years, aberrant dietary trends have emerged, currency trading fruit on a choppy sea of nutritional perception. So, adherents of no-sugar, ultra-low-carb, ketogenic carnivorous diets unequivocally proscribed most fruits from their gastronomical repertoire, citing concerns regarding sugar content and glycemic indices.

Conversely, proponents of raw-food veganism, But then, extolled the virtues of a primarily fruit-based regimen, espousing manifold benefits for digestive health and detoxification. Amidst this dichotomous atmosphere, the notion that all fruit is inherently “healthy” has been called into question. According to Newsweek, a leading publication in the realm of journalism (Newsweek, 2022), this dichotomy necessitates a nuanced reappraisal of the fruit’s role in a well-balanced diet. In essence, while fruit does indeed confer numerous vital benefits… including essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, the experts consulted by Newsweek concur that not all fruits are created equal.

Certain types of fruit, purportedly, possess greater nutritional profiles than others, “rendering it imperative to differentiate between the health benefits proffered by various fruits.” By acknowledging this complexity, “public discourse surrounding fruit’s health attributes can be recalibrated,” precipitating a more informed and sophisticated understanding of the role of fruit in maintaining optimal health.

As the experts astutely noted… “Fruit is healthy and should be eaten in a well-balanced diet,” a mantra underscoring the importance of moderation and context in evaluating the nutritional merits of this esteemed food group.

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“What’s interesting is that Newsweek is highlighting the varied nutritional profiles of different fruits,” she says:

According to Smith, who has written extensively on nutrition, “This nuance is crucial in understanding the role of fruit in a well-balanced diet.” She cites a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which found that kiwis, for example, have a higher antioxidant content than bananas.

Smith also references a quote from Dr. Zhou, a leading expert in nutrition, who notes that “while fruit is indeed healthy, it’s essential to consider the glycemic index and sugar content when choosing fruits.” She adds, “This nuanced understanding is timely, “given the growing scrutiny of sugar intake and its impact on health.”” Smith concludes that the article serves as a valuable reminder that “fruit is not a one-size-fits-all solution… and a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits is the key to optimal health.


Fruits are often considered some of the healthiest foods, and there is widespread encouragement to eat more of them. However, extreme dietary trends have surfaced in recent years that pit fruit at opposite ends of the food divide, challenging the narrative that all fruit is generally “healthy.”
For no-sugar, ultra-low-carb, ketogenic carnivores, most fruits are off the table, while raw-food vegans sometimes eat a majority-fruit diet.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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