
Source: Found here


I wasn’t a good student in high school. Dealing with the intense emotions that come with teenagerhood combined with having to choose a career path in four years was a little overwhelming. I went into a daze and let my report card drop to a 1.5 grade point average.

In my sophomore year, my English teacher put together a school newspaper and asked if I wanted to join. I remember turning in my first article — I loved music, so it was probably some sort of album review — and getting glowing feedback from her. That was when it clicked for me. I found something I was good at, that I loved to do, and suddenly everything improved. My grades climbed, I made new friends — I found something to work toward.

This summer I was lucky enough to share a bit of that experience with the High School Journalism Institute. I was a little nervous at first. What if my students didn’t like the story I picked out for them? What if they didn’t like me?

I decided we could do a story about new state protections for beavers, which seemed fitting for an assignment written from the Oregon State University campus within the Beaver state. Even so, would writing about these chubby, greasy, orange-toothed animals really inspire teenagers to pursue a low-paying, often thankless career in journalism?

To my surprise, 15-year-old Shani Ross and 16-year-old Kendall Burroughs took to it immediately. Shani loved reading about beavers’ roles in the ecosystem, how they build dams to create ponds where they can hide and nibble on woody plants. Soft-spoken Kendall opened up a little more every day, sometimes helping me with an intense jigsaw puzzle. As I typed this, I looked up at her and she playfully stuck her tongue out at me.

These last few days, I got to see these students find joy in discovering something new. Maybe journalism is clicking for them as it did for me decades ago. Regardless of whether they decide to pursue a journalistic career, sharing these moments with them has been the highlight of my summer.

Sense of Discovery and Wonder.

The sense of discovery and wonder is a fundamental human experience that has captivated individuals for centuries. It’s a feeling that can be evoked by a multitude of stimuli, from stumbling upon a hidden gem of a book in a used bookstore to witnessing the breathtaking beauty of a sunrise on a mountaintop. This innate curiosity that drives us to seek out new experiences and learn about the world around us is a crucial aspect of the human condition.

When we encounter something new and exciting, our brains light up with a surge of dopamine, releasing a chemical cocktail that heightens our alertness and focus. It’s as if our minds are saying, “Ah-ha! I’ve encountered something worth paying attention to!” This refreshing jolt of energy is the spark that ignites our sense of discovery and wonder.

In a more formal tone, researchers have identified various stages of the discovery process… from the initial stages of curiosity and interest to the more advanced stages of contemplation and integration. This journey of discovery requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to challenge our existing knowledge and assumptions.

As psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi notes, “The joy of discovery is closely tied to the process of exploration itself, rather than the destination.”But discovery isn’t just a solo activity. We often discover new things alongside others – whether it’s watching a film with friends, participating in a workshop… or exploring a new city together.

This communal experience enhances our sense of wonder, as we learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences. It’s a social activity that deepens our connection to others and strengthens our sense of community. Of course, discovery and wonder can also be found in the quiet moments of exploration. On a solo hike, for instance, the sounds of nature can be like a symphony of discovery – each note, a new insight into the world around us. It’s in these intimate, personal moments that we tap into our own inner world and find new treasures of thought and feeling.

In the end, the sense of discovery and wonder is an ever-evolving experience that continues to unfold throughout our —s. Whether it’s the thrill of learning something new or the comfort of nostalgia, this journey invites us to be curious, “to seek out the unknown,” “and to be open to the endless possibilities that — has to offer.”

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

Learn to communicate and inspire future generations. The opinions expressed on Fixes 4 You Forward are not all mine. It is important to appreciate multiple views and ideas.

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