The Girls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has been empowering third to fifth-grade girls through a unique curriculum designed specifically for their age group. The program, which currently enrolls 10 girls with an average of 8-12 participants yearly, aims to build each girl’s “star power” and confidence by focusing on positive self-image and peer support.

According to 2nd grade teacher Erica Luce, who has been involved with the program, the curriculum is tailored to the needs of the girls and is designed to help them develop coping strategies for everyday ⁘⁘⁘. The program uses journals as a tool to help the girls work through their thoughts and feelings, and to take with them after the program is over.

Luce emphasized that the program is not limited to public school students… stating that homeschool students and students from surrounding towns have also participated. This inclusive approach has resulted in the formation of lasting friendships and a sense of community among the girls. As reported in the Lewiston Sun Journal, the Girls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has seen significant growth and impact over the years, “with Luce noting that it is not just about the numbers.”.. but about the profound difference it makes in the ⁘⁘⁘s of the girls involved.


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In The News:

Girls on the Run from left Aleah Reynolds, Madilyn Marchant, Elsie Baker, Ashlyn Erb, Jillian White, Brooke Larson, and Emmi Poulin are seen on Thursday, May 16, at Kingfield Elementary School during a practice run for a future 5k. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

The program caters to third to fifth-grade girls, offering a curriculum tailored to their needs. According toErica Luce, 2nd grade teacher at Kingfield Elementary School [KES], “The curriculum is set for this age group and is not supposed to be changed. I do occasionally change time amounts to suit the needs of the girls we have in the program that year.”

Luce said the whole curriculum is all about building their “star power” and finding ways to build each other up. “The girls work out of journals that are given to them to work through during the program and to keep once the program is over, with all of the tools for their Girls on the Run toolbox to help support their “star power,” Luce said. “We talk about all different types of “clouds” that can form and cover our “star power” and ways to make those gray clouds go away.”

At Kingfield, the program currently enrolls 10 girls, with an average yearly participation ranging between eight and 12 girls. While the numbers may seem modest, the impact is profound, evident in the growth observed over the years, said Luce.

“The beauty of this program is that it is not a Maine School Administrative District 58 program,” Luce said. “This means that homeschool students, students from Stratton, and beyond have joined the program. Seeing those friendships grow has been awesome to watch.” Advertisement

Continue… Empowering Girls At Kingfield:

The Girls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has a curriculum that is specifically designed for third to fifth-grade girls, focusing on building their “star power” and finding ways to support each other.

TheGirls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has made a significant impact on the ___s of its participants. The program’s curriculum is designed specifically for third to fifth-grade girls, focusing on building their “star power” and finding ways to support each other. Here are some of the highlights of the program: * The program emphasizes the importance of positive self-image and confidence-building, encouraging girls to focus on their strengths and accomplishments.
* The girls work together to overcome challenges and obstacles, learning valuable teamwork and communication skills.
* The curriculum includes activities and discussions focused on empathy, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, helping girls to develop a more positive self-image.
* The program provides girls with tools and strategies to deal with difficult emotions and challenges, such as stress, anxiety… and peer pressure.
* The girls are encouraged to take risks and try new things, helping to build their confidence and self-esteem.
* The program is inclusive and welcoming to girls of all backgrounds and abilities, providing a safe and supportive environment for them to grow and develop.
* The program culminates in a 5K run, which is a major accomplishment for the girls and a celebration of their hard work and progress.
Overall… the Girls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School is a valuable and impactful initiative that has helped to empower and inspire its participants. By focusing on building self-confidence, teamwork, “and positive self-image,” “the program has made a positive difference in the ___s of its participants.”

Empowering Girls at Kingfield.

TheGirls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has been making a significant impact on the —s of young girls in the community. This unique program is designed specifically for third to fifth-grade girls, aiming to build their confidence and self-esteem through a curriculum focused on positive self-image and peer support.

The program, which currently enrolls around 10 girls, is tailored to meet the specific needs of this age group. According to 2nd grade teacherErica Luce, who has been involved with the program, the curriculum is designed to help girls develop coping strategies for everyday challenges. Through self-reflection and journaling, the girls learn to work through their thoughts and feelings, and develop a positive mindset.

One of the most unique aspects of the program is its inclusive approach. The program is not limited to public school students… and has welcomed participants from surrounding towns and even homeschool students. This inclusive approach has led to the formation of lasting friendships and a sense of community among the girls.

The impact of theGirls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School has been profound. According to Luce, it’s not just about the numbers, but about the positive change the program has brought to the girls’ —s. The program has helped girls develop a more positive self-image, build confidence… and form strong bonds with their peers.

The program’s emphasis on journaling is also a key component of its success. The girls are encouraged to reflect on their thoughts and feelings, and learn to express themselves in a healthy and constructive way. This skill is not only beneficial in the short term, but also sets them up for success in the long term.

Overall, theGirls on the Run program at Kingfield Elementary School is an empowering and inclusive initiative that is making a positive difference in the —s of young girls. By focusing on positive self-image, peer support, and coping strategies, the program is helping girls build confidence, “develop strong relationships,” “and set themselves up for future success.”

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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