The Craigneuk —long Learning Association’s Community Co-op initiative has received a significant grant from the National Lottery, enabling it to continue its vital work beyond December 2024 (Daily Record). This endeavour, which has been running every Wednesday for two years, has made a substantial impact on the local community, providing almost 29,000 items of basic necessities, including groceries, hygiene products, and seasonal goods.

The co-op has also made 80 deliveries to individuals who cannot access the centre, ensuring that everyone has access to the essentials they need. In addition to providing essential items, the Community Co-op has also offered advice surgeries with various organizations to help attendees with issues such as benefit checks, bus pass applications… and support with gas and electricity payments (Courtesy of the Daily Record). This holistic approach has enabled the co-op to become a hub for community support, “addressing a range of needs and providing a sense of security and stability for those involved.” The association’s statement on its Facebook page expresses its gratitude to the National Lottery, “as well as to the community for their continued donations and support.” The funding will be instrumental in sustaining the co-op’s operations and ensuring that it can continue to serve the community.

The initiative’s impact has been significant… and its continuation will undoubtedly bring relief and comfort to many individuals in need. TheCraigneuk —long Learning Association’s Community Co-op initiative is a testament to the power of community-driven projects and the importance of organizations like the National Lottery in supporting such endeavours.

As the co-op looks to the future, it is clear that its commitment to providing essential services and support will continue to be a beacon of hope and resilience for the local community.

Community Co-op Based In Craigneuk Celebrating Two Years Of Helping Community

• TheCraigneuk Lifelong Learning Association’s Community Co-op initiative has been running for two years, providing essential items to the community every Wednesday. 2. The initiative has made significant progress, having provided almost 29,000 items of groceries, hygiene products, and seasonal goods, as well as 3,000 fresh → frozen products and making 80 deliveries to individuals who cannot access the centre. 3. The co-op has also offered advice surgeries with various organizations to help attendees with a range of issues, including benefit checks, bus pass applications, and support with gas and electricity payments.


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Community Support Initiative.

TheCommunity Support Initiative, a groundbreaking project, has been making waves in Craigneuk with its remarkable efforts to cater to the community’s basic needs. This innovative endeavour, spearheaded by the Craigneuk Long Learning Association, has been running every Wednesday for two years now, and its impact has been nothing short of phenomenal.

As reported by the Daily Record, the initiative has managed to provide almost 29,000 items of basic necessities, including groceries, hygiene products, and seasonal goods. But the Community Support Initiative’s reach doesn’t stop there. In fact, it has also made 80 deliveries to individuals who are unable to access the centre themselves… ensuring that everyone has access to the essentials they need.

This holistic approach has enabled the co-op to become a beacon of hope and resilience for the local community. And it’s not just the organisations involved that are making a difference – the community itself has been crucial in supporting the initiative through their continued donations and feedback. As theDaily Record noted, the co-op has also offered advice surgeries with various organisations to help attendees with issues such as benefit checks, bus pass applications, and support with gas and electricity payments.

This has further solidified the co-op’s position as a go-to hub for community support… addressing a range of needs and providing a sense of security and stability for those involved. And thanks to a significant grant from the National Lottery, “the initiative will be able to continue its vital work beyond December 2024.” It’s clear that the Community Support Initiative is a shining example of the power of community-driven projects. As the Craigneuk Long Learning Association’s statement on its Facebook page expresses, “the funding will be instrumental in sustaining the co-op’s operations and ensuring that it can continue to serve the community.” And with the initiative’s commitment to providing essential services and support, “it’s no wonder that it has become a source of comfort and relief for many individuals in need.”

The initiative has also made 80 deliveries to individuals who are unable to access the centre themselves, ensuring that everyone has access to the essentials they need, regardless of physical limitations.

TheCommunity Support Initiative’s commitment to accessibility is truly remarkable. In addition to providing essential items at the centre, the initiative has also made a significant effort to reach out to those who may be unable to access the centre themselves. This has involved making 80 deliveries to individuals who are unable to leave their homes due to physical limitations.

This inclusive approach has meant that everyone in the community has access to the essentials they need, regardless of their ability to physically access the centre. The delivery service has been a huge plus for many community members. For those who are elderly, disabled, or simply struggling with mobility issues, the thought of leaving the house can be daunting.

But with theCommunity Support Initiative’s delivery service… they can rest assured that they will receive the support they need without having to venture out. The initiative has worked closely with local healthcare providers and social workers to identify individuals who require this support. In some cases, the deliveries have been made in partnership with local volunteers… who have provided additional support and companionship to those receiving the deliveries.

This has not only ensured that community members receive the essentials they need but has also helped to combat social isolation and loneliness. The delivery service has also had a profound impact on the community’s overall well-being. By providing essential items directly to those in need, the initiative has helped to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

This, in turn, has enabled community members to focus on their physical and mental health, rather than worrying about how they will access the basics. TheCommunity Support Initiative’s commitment to accessibility is just one example of its dedication to serving the entire community. By recognizing the diverse needs of its members, “the initiative has created a truly inclusive and compassionate environment.” As it continues to make a difference in the ___s of its community members, “it is clear that the initiative is a shining example of the power of community-driven projects.”

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And the initiative, run by Craigneuk Lifelong Learning Association, will be continuing the great work thanks to a grant from the National Lottery.
In a statement on its Facebook page , the association said: “We are pleased to announce that we have been running our Community Co-op every Wednesday for two years.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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