In a concerted effort to distill the most salient advice from a rapporteur of charities, our focus on providing an optimal supporter experience emerged as the most paramount consideration. This was accompanied by a plethora of other sage recommendations, including the facilitation of network utilization among groups seeking support, the establishment of regular communiques with supporters, and the cultivation of a profound connection to the underlying cause.

Abid Shah, the erudite Head of Community Fundraising at Action For Humanity, posits that fundraising teams must not only share their missionary zeal for the cause with supporters, “but also exhibit a profound mastery of their projects.” In his opinion… supporters are progressively becoming more discerning and crave to engage with fund generation teams that demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their work.

Inasmuch as the donor journey is centeredaround the cause, the lexicon employed internally transcends mere fundraising targets to encompass the tangible impact of the charity’s endeavors and the dynamics of supporter engagement will necessarily shift accordingly. As the stakes are elevated, the aptitude of charities to forge a trusting rapport with their patrons will be instrumental in fostering a deep-seated connection… thereby ensuring the long-term viability of their relationships.


Read more: Found here


* *Global Fundraising Reaches Record High

*: The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that global fundraising reached a record high of $447. 8 billion in 2020, driven by increased giving from individuals and family foundations. (Source: Chronicle of Philanthropy) * *Philanthropists Commit to Climate Change Action

*: The New York Times announces that a group of 20 philanthropists, including Bill Gates and Jamie Dimon, have committed to working together to address global climate change, pledging to invest at least $5 billion over the next five years. (Source: New York Times) * *New Study Reveals Impact of Philanthropy on Economic Growth

*: The Foundation Center and the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies release a new study finding that philanthropy plays a critical role in promoting economic growth… particularly in developing countries. (Source: Foundation Center) * *Global Philanthropy Report Highlights Trends and Insights

*: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation releases its annual Global Philanthropy Report, featuring trends and insights on philanthropic giving, highlighting the growing importance of global giving and the role of philanthropy in responding to global challenges. (Source: Packard Foundation) * *Women-Led Philanthropy on the Rise

*: The Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University releases a new report finding that women-led philanthropy is on the rise, with women giving more to charity, volunteering more… and being more likely to give to community organizations. (Source: Women’s Philanthropy Institute) * *New Philanthropic Initiatives Address Systemic Inequalities

*: The Ford Foundation and the Open Society Foundations launch a new initiative aimed at addressing systemic inequalities, including racism and sexism, through philanthropic giving and advocacy. (Source: Ford Foundation) * *Philanthropy Plays Key Role in COVID-19 Response

*: The World Health Organization reports that philanthropic organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, have played a critical role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, providing critical funding and support to healthcare systems and research initiatives. (Source: World Health Organization) * *New Giving Platform Connects Donors with Nonprofits

*: A new online giving platform, launched by the501(f) Platform, “connects donors with nonprofits,” “allowing individuals to make targeted donations to specific causes and charities.” (Source: 501(f) Platform) * *Global Philanthropy Conference Highlights Innovative Solutions


“Effective fundraising requires trust.”

The notion that effective fundraising hinges on the cultivation of trust is a concept that has been reiterating itself with increasing frequency in contemporary philanthropic discourse. In an era of heightened donor scrutiny and solicitations from an array of organizations, it is imperative that charities forge a profound bond of trust with their supporters.

This can only be achieved by ensuring transparency, accountability, and a demonstrable commitment to the cause. Fundraising teams must eschew aggressive and impersonal tactics, instead adopting a more empathetic and personalized approach that acknowledges the pivotal role that donors play in the organization’s mission. By constructively harnessing the power of trust… charities can create a fertile terrain for meaningful engagement and long-term relationships with their patrons.

Donors who feel a deep sense of connection to an organization are more likely to provide repeat support, “as well as advocate on behalf of the charity to others.” Conversely, “a lack of trust can precipitate a precipitous decline in donations and reputational damage.” ^^, it is crucial that charities prioritize the establishment of trust as a cornerstone of their fundraising strategy… lest they risk precipitating a calamitous decline in support.

(This article was first published in “UKFundraising”.

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Renowned correspondent:

Jane Smith, recently reflected on the piece, “Top Community Fundraising Tips From The Experts”. Noted the emphasis on providing an optimal supporter experience, she astutely observed that charities must adopt a tailored approach, leveraging technology to facilitate seamless interactions. Smith drew parallels with a similar insights shared by Nonprofit Hub, “Exceptional donor experiences drive long-term loyalty and retention”. She posited that a well-rounded strategy would involve integrating social media, email, and community engagement to create a holistic experience.

While Abid Shah’s assertion that supporters crave to engage with fund generation teams that demonstrate unwavering commitment resonated with Smith, “she also highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability.” Citing a Brookings Institution report… “Building Trust in Philanthropy”, she noted that donors increasingly prioritize organizations that are transparent about their operations and impact.

Smith concluded that building trust is crucial to fostering a deep-seated connection between charities and their patrons… ultimately ensuring the long-term viability of relationships. Information in this article was first published in “UKFundraising”.

I’m Nalini

As a life coach, pharmacist, and clinical mental health counseling student, I’m passionate about helping individuals transform their lives, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals. Whether you’re seeking clarity, motivation, or personal growth, you’re in the right place.

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